My Future: College & Career Readiness

Teacher and student

Personalized Support

Tacoma Online has a counseling team and community partners ready to help students with class planning, college and career guidance, student wellness, and more.

High School Students

My Now

Our goal is to empower every student NOW, with the knowledge, experience, and guidance needed to achieve their goals. Through a variety of opportunities including courses, internships, career interest assessments, college-level coursework, industry-recognized certifications, and diverse extracurricular activities, students can explore their interests and develop the skills necessary to formulate a personalized plan.

High school graduate

My Next

We are here to support every student in taking their NEXT step after high school, providing a strong foundation to reach their goals. Whether that means pursuing a four-year degree, earning a professional certificate, undergoing military training, starting an apprenticeship or going directly into the workforce, we are dedicated to helping them follow their unique interests and aspirations.

Plan for Your Future: Upcoming Events

Counseling Team Videos