TOL Back to School Hot Dog Party

Let’s be frank. Tacoma Online holds a great back to school hot dog party! The annual tradition is a way to gather community and do in-person tasks like take school photos, distribute laptops and perform hearing/vision screenings. It also serves as a reminder of the important role family plays in supporting student learners at home. The grill is fired up - and so are we - for the 2024-25 school year! 

View pictures below!

teachers eats hotdog and hold up trophy belt!
parent and student enjoy hotdog meals
Teacher creates large bubble on playground
teacher distributing materials to students
student takes a vision test
student with their parent receiving a laptop
student sits for school photos
young student with their parent receiving a laptop
student plays games in schoolyard
teacher shows student features on laptop
student plays with sidewalk chalk
Assistant Principal poses with school mascot
students play on schoolyard

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